Books can now sing & sound!

Cronicles of World9

“It was not our ship, but we were its crew”. This is how the Shapemes adventure began. The book busted us as the mastodontic ships on Mondo9 (World9) do with their crewsi. In a five-sense novel, these huge, conscious ships dominate a whole desert planet, where the most reassuring way to die is under the scorching sun. Monstruous gears, oil filth, dust, morbid sand and claustrophobic heat persist in taking the reader, but the listeners too in this unpleasant trip on World9!


Each of every nine stories published in the volume “Millemondi” is almost literally translated from words to music. Soundscapes repropose ships’ noises, the surrounding enviroment and their inner, claustrophobic spaces. Ritmic parts represent complex mechanical machinery the make those monsters live at the top of the food chain. Melodies played on these sound scenes bring life to the crew members that act in symbiosis link with these enormous ships.

Millemondi Urania n°72